Partnership Program


Championing the growth of the interactive digital media industry (IDM) is our commitment to you.

NMM collaborates closely with our governments, academia, and the business community. With our partners, we empower people with growth opportunities, adapt to market changes with vigor and provide resources to pursue the boldest dreams.

To ensure responsive and impactful support for anyone and any industry investing in IDM and technology driven products & services, NMM has evolved from our previous membership model and now offers a variety of annual partnerships.

The doors are open for more inclusive support for delivering our programming and services. We hope you are as excited as we are to explore the new ways we can support you and collaborate to meet our collective goals for years to come.

Partnership Information

We’re looking to develop long-lasting partnerships with like-minded organizations. These partnerships are rooted in a shared vision of a stronger IDM sector.

As a Partner, you’ll get increased visibility within a diverse selection of audiences across Manitoba, Canada and globally. You’ll also have the opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s leadership and innovation within our fast-growing, vibrant community.

There are different levels of engagement — from being a Support Partner or Community Partner (similar to our previous Corporate and Corporate Plus memberships), to Technology and Media Partnerships, Academic Partnerships, to full partnerships that allows you to engage throughout the year.

Available Partnership Tiers + Standard Package

All Partners receive our new Standard Package including a plethora of valuable benefits!

Standard Package Benefits
Discounted Services• Discounts for you and your team through our partner BenefitHub portal celebrating 25 years
• 50% discount on rental of classrooms at StudioLab xR and 62 Albert Street locations (includes classroom AV support)
Complementary Services• 2 guaranteed tickets to NMM’s annual Holiday Jam
• Invitation to all NMM special events (approx. 2-4 per year, covers announcements, launches, media, etc.)
• Training Needs Assessments – one hour discovery session
• HR Needs Assessments – one hour discovery session
• Access to NMM’s Boardroom (based on availability)
• HR Support from NMM’s HR Consultant
• Job board posting and support services
• Featured IDM Job Posting in 1 NMM newsletter
• Facilitation of potential matches with jobseekers
StudioLab xR TV Logo Recognition• Partner logo recognition rotating on NMM’s TV in the concourse at 201 Portage
Company Brochure Display
(over 1000 visitors annually)
• Partnering organizations may display approved company brochures at NMM’s StudioLab xR and 62 Albert Street locations
PR & Community Recognition (accumulative over 10K+ followers; site visitors)• Company logo or name on NMM’s website (varies with partnership choice)
• Quarterly all-partner recognition posts to social media
• Logo placement in NMM’s 62 Albert Street classroom
Town Hall Recognition + IDM Roundtable• 2 seats at the NMM Town Hall
• Annual roundtable discussions on the latest tools, technologies, and trends, offering insights and actionable advice

Partnership Tiers

One of three partnerships

+ Right of first refusal

• $15,000 placed in a Strategic Project Fund* managed by the Board, recognition in all communications re: Project Announcements

• Recognized as Annual Town Hall Partner & an opportunity to speak

• Recognized as Peer Leadership (LeaderConnect) Program Sponsor

• Seat on Standing Workforce Development Committee

• Waiver of $450 Funded Program Access Fee (Training and Business Development Programs for IDM companies)

• Company profile on NMM website

• Opportunity for mutually agreed upon featured content produced by the partner to be distributed to all subscribers – maximum 1 per month

+ the standard base package

One of three partnerships 

• $5,000 placed in a Market Access Program** to support IDM company expansion costs (application process)

• Recognized at Town Hall as our Market Access Program Partner, and on all promotional materials related to the program

• Waiver of $450 Funded Program Access Fee (Training and Business Development Programs for IDM companies)

• Company logo on NMM website with link

• Opportunity for mutually agreed upon featured content produced by the partner to be distributed to all subscribers – maximum 2 per year

+ the standard base package

One of five partnerships

• Recognized sponsor of up to five events (with a possibility of substitution)

  • Ludum Dare or an alternate Game Jam (Sept/Oct)
  • Hyper Fest or Hyper Lite (Nov)
  • Holiday Jam (Dec)
  • Peg Jam (Feb)
  • NMM Hosted MBWiTech Event (Feb)
  • Tech Week Event (Mar)
  • Summer Community Appreciation Event (July)

• Waiver of $450 Funded Program Access Fee (Training and Business Development Programs for IDM companies)

• Company logo on NMM website with link

+ the standard base package

One of five partnerships

• Recognized sponsor of up to five events (possibility of substitution)

  • Girls in Gaming (K-12)
  • PitchLab (newcomer bridge to workforce program)
  • Pixel Pals (monthly meet-up)
  • Annual Truth & Reconciliation session

• Speaker opportunities on topics that align with EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)

• Waiver of $450 Funded Program Access Fee (Training and Business Development Programs for IDM companies)

• Company logo on NMM website with link

+ the standard base package

One of five partnerships

• Only option with in-kind product/service substitution

• Verbal acknowledgement occurs at any event/session where the contributed product/service is being used

• Acknowledgement on contributed technology (sign or label)

• Announcement of contribution and how it will be used in NMM newsletter

• Testimonial/endorsement statement to be provided for partner use

• Optional special promotion of discounted services offered to NMM subscribers

+ the standard base package

Unlimited partnerships

• Recognized as the NMM newsletter sponsor (in footer)

• Waiver of $450 Funded Program Access Fee (Training and Business Development Programs for IDM companies)

• Company logo on NMM website with link

+ the standard base package

Unlimited partnerships

• Company name on website (post-secondary institutions within MB are eligible for logo placement)

+ the standard base package

$1000 Option – Unlimited partnerships

• Newsletter content – maximum of 24 newsletters

• Practicum and internship opportunities at NMM or StudioLab xR (1-2 students for a maximum of three weeks per calendar year)

+ the standard base package

$500 Option – Unlimited partnerships

Does not include the partner base package

• Newsletter content – maximum of 12 newsletters

• Company name on website (post secondary institutions within MB are eligible for logo placement)

Note: All individual events referenced in the available packages can be sponsored at $1000 per event; however, promotion will be restricted to the event period/promotional content related to that event.

* The Strategic Partnership Fund is controlled by the NMM Board; with funds to be allocated to initiatives approved at the Board level. This may include support of strategic initiatives of New Media Manitoba, or in supporting IDM companies to take steps toward achieving their economic potential.

** The Market Access Program (MAP) will provide eligible Interactive Digital Media (IDM) companies in Manitoba with funding to participate in domestic and international market access initiatives that align with their business growth strategy. These initiatives must produce measurable business and market development outcomes (sales, financing, licensing, and/or publishing deals, audience awareness, media coverage, partnership development, etc.). Primary activities supported are market event attendance, trade missions, and targeted sales trips that support their growth strategy. While the program is aimed at supporting the wider IDM sector, preference will be given to under-represented companies that require additional support to execute their growth strategy. Companies led by female entrepreneurs and indigenous people will be given special consideration.  The Market Access Program will provide up to $20,000, capped at 50% of a participating company’s eligible expenses per fiscal year ending 31 March, to engage in international business and market development activities.

Custom StudioLab xR Partnerships

Multi-level partnership options are available for New Media Manitoba’s StudioLab xR, the province’s first studio space dedicated to Extended Reality technology (xR) training.

Advances in real-time technologies are making the impossible possible and opening exciting new opportunities in both creative and technical fields, across all industries. This 5,500 square foot training facility, located at 201 Portage (C100), is facilitating practical hands-on experience in this exciting new field! Contact us for more information!

About New Media Manitoba’s BenefitHub Marketplace

In celebration of NMM’s 25th anniversary, we’re giving thanks to our growing community and offering you, your employees, friends and family with exclusive perks and discounts from BenefitHub!

As part of NMM’s standard package, Corporate Partners receive access to this discount marketplace.

No hidden fees, simply create an account on the BenefitHub portal using NMM’s REFERRAL CODE and start finding perks, discounts and deals on the brands you love.  

Getting Started is Easy

  1. Purchase your Corporate Partnership with NMM (THANK YOU!)
  2. Receive NMM’s BenefitHub Marketplace link, user guide and REFERRAL CODE
  3. Share with employees, friends and family and START SAVING!

Anytime, Anywhere – Tap into the world’s largest discount marketplace with over 1000 vendors.

New Media Manitoba