NMM designed the B2B Professional Services Program to respond to the unique requirements of IDM companies that need support to grow their business.
With over a decade of experience supporting the IDM industry in Manitoba, we know that each business is at a different stage of maturity, knowledge, and experience, and will need a different type of support as a result. Therefore this program gives companies the opportunity to request access to business development expertise to overcome specific challenges in order to increase their competitiveness and market share.
PLEASE NOTE: The 2019 / 2022 funding cycle for the Business Development & Employment Diversity Programs has come to an end, and we are currently not accepting new applications.
However, we would like to continue to support IDM companies and notify our members when we commence a new funding cycle. NMM offers various other services like trade missions, program navigation, and hiring support. Reach out to our team to learn more and share your thoughts on future programs.
Subscribe to our newsletter for program updates.
Application Process
To be considered for this program, companies must fully review the B2B Professional Services Program Guidelines, complete a budget template for each activity, and submit an online application form. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Submissions are evaluated on a case by case basis and NMM will contribute up to $20,000 in matching funds. This program is distinct from the Market Access Program because the purpose is to help companies develop essential sales and marketing tools required to successfully grow their business, which are not tied to a specific market access activity.
Eligible activities include developing sales and marketing products that drive customer acquisition, revenue generation, and job creation (i.e. development of software and product solutions, online tools, market research, go-to-market strategies, and third party consulting services to generate business development products).
Application Criteria
Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- Company track record* including an assessment of market readiness (5%)
- What products/tools/strategies do you need to develop to grow your business? (10%)
- How will these products support the achievement of your company’s business development and marketing strategies? (10%)
- What is the projected ROI for these products? Please provide as much detail as possible (40%)
- What is your implementation plan? (15%)
- What resources have you identified/sourced to develop these products? (5%)
- Provide a detailed budget for each activity (15%)
- What is your timetable for developing these products?
- BONUS: extent to which the project supports and reflects diversity in Manitoba as described in the Government of Manitoba’s definition of diversity** and/or gender parity; and/or applicant company is primarily Francophone, Indigenous, or culturally diverse (10%)
* Track record includes an assessment of a company’s ability to accurately budget for similar activities. New Media Manitoba’s contribution may be reduced accordingly.
** The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to: ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion (creed), sex, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.